Saturday, February 2, 2008


My sister-in-law Kellie challenged anyone who hasn;t been tagged to respond to her blog's questions, so here goes...

no.1 What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't want to grow up - EVER. But once my kids are all moved out I want to go to Africa and help build schools and work with children left orphaned by AIDS. I have several friends who have done this and I REALLY want to go. I actually hope to do several of these humanitarian type trips when I am older - and I'd love Scott and my kids to participate too!

no.2 If you were an animal, what would you be?
An eagle. They are so majestic and have few preditors (very important!). Flying would be great too!

no.3 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
Greece. I love all the history and ruins, but I also love the countryside and living right on the Mediterranian would be awesome. Even though I will never live there, I am definately going to vacation there someday!

no.4 If you could meet a famous person (alive, or not) who would it be?
Rachel from the Old Testiment

no.5 Describe your perfect day.
  • Sleep in unitl at least 10am (with no kids crying and no Scott snoring).
  • Go out for breakfast - I love to do this, but Scott never wants to. I'd order french toast with warm maple syrup and fresh squeezed OJ.
  • Spend the morning shopping. I'd have money in my pocket and I'd find all the cute outfits and they'd fit me perfectly because my perfect day would also see me 10 pounds lighter!
  • Go on a drive with my family in the mountains. Stop for a picnic lunch and a hike to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The weather would be perfect and NO bugs!
  • Come home and take a nap. Everyone would sleep blissfully for 2 hours, all at the same time - no staggering!
  • Dinner with Scott at Thai Siam in SLC. They have the BEST chicken coconut curry dish - it is divine!!!! Kesley would babysit for free with NO complaints.
  • Watch a late movie with Scott while we eat Cold Stone ice cream - cake batter with brownie chunks.
  • And last but not least, with all the food I've eaten, I wouldn't gain a pound - in fact my hike would cause me to lose two. HEY, it's my perfect day - OK?

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Oh I love it. Let's both be birds that poo on people driving in fancy convertibles too. :)