Thursday, June 5, 2008

Made for Hallie

So last weeks taggie blanket I made for Audrey was a huge hit and Hallie felt a little slighted that she didn't get one. This afternoon I remembered I had purchased some fabric last fall to make trick or treating bags that I never got around to making, so I pulled it out and made this cute strawberry bag for Hallie, who being such the girlie girl L-O-V-E-S purses! And what do you put into such a lovely bag? Your Polly Pocket Princess collection of course!

I made Kesley a ladybug bag today too, but she's out with her friends tonight and I can't find where she put it! Now, what to make for Dallin???


Katie said...

I love the treasures you make! You are so talented! I'm sure your girls will have fond memories of their special gifts for a long time to come.

Kellie said...

Oh that is so cute! Look at you...miss crafty! I need some sewing lessons!

Tasha said...

you are so talented! you make the cutest things for your kids. I wouldnt even dare to make something like that, it wouldnt even look like a bag when i was through!! :)

Jennie said...

perfect for little miss hallies hoard of princesses!