Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week 30 Survey

I stole this idea from another blog....

  • How far along: 29w6d
  • Total weight gain/loss to date: +23 pounds total (hopefully not much more… I usually gain next to nothing in the last 2 months)
  • Maternity clothes: Mostly since week 14, there are still a few non-pregnancy shirts I can wear, and I sleep in regular t-shirts. But sadly, even one pair of my maternity jeans is getting snug… I know it won’t make it to 9 months.
  • Stretch marks: A few, but nothing more than the usual. Light marks on hips and chest.
  • Sleep: I wake up every few hours… I can’t remember the last time I slept through the entire night. I’m always tired.
  • Movement: YES!!! He is always moving and kicking and poking. Sometimes I wonder if he’s really an octopus!
  • Cravings: Ice cold water, sometimes sweets, not anything real specific though.
  • Aversions: I can’t stand pizza or anything with red marinara sauce. And I hate most veggies right now.
  • Gender: BOY!!!
  • Symptoms: Tons of movement, backache, BH contractions, shortness of breath, slight swelling in feet, dizzy, nausea, SO tired!!!
  • What I miss: pants that button, my regular sized bras, my innie belly button, being able to see the lower half of my body.
  • What I look forward to: Holding this baby in my arms!
  • Moods: No huge mood swings… I am tired, which makes me impatient. And I’ve had a few crying spells that in the end made me feel much better.
  • Milestones: Every week is a milestone for me… I’m on the countdown!
  • Medical Concerns: Hoping to avoid a C section… crossing fingers he turns head down, isn’t too big to deliver and my induction progresses and doesn’t stall out.
  • Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy this time and don’t rush things… it will be chaos soon enough with a new baby and 6 kids…
  • Worst moment this week: I passed 2 kidney stones over the weekend… don’t wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy. Just horrible.
  • Best moment this week: Baby keeps getting hiccups and the rhythmic jumping low in my belly is so cute. Makes me smile.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Holiday Pictures & More... finally

Finally got some pictures from Christmas and such uploaded on our computer... sheesh, you'd think we have a billion things going on or something. So here goes...

Dallin, Hallie & Audrey with my nephew Ricky and niece Jenna
Christmas Eve at grandma Fullmer's house

Kesley passed out on the couch on Christmas Eve

Spence and I (5 months pregnant) on Christmas Eve

Kids waiting to see what Santa brought Christmas morning

Santa couldn't get it all under the tree... we have a ton of kids!

Tearing into stockings from Santa
Opening Santa gifts

Christmas pretty much exploded in our living room

Hallie's 6th birthday

Thrilled she got a wedding barbie... just what she wanted