Monday, October 5, 2009


Day 1 of 90 starts today... Spence and I are starting P90X and are gonna get toned and super healthy. I am excited and scared all at the same time. It's an intense workout regimine and nutritional plan. I can do this, but what am I thinking starting it before the holidays? No, it will be fine... the 12 weeks is up just before New Years, so come 2010... we'll be starting the new year out right.
I'm debating posting before and after pics... we'll see how I feel as time goes by. But stay tuned for updates periodically... I am hoping to see fantastic results!!!


kellz said...

I'm starting this too! Need to get my flabby butt in shape!! No more soda for me :( Good luck on your journey! Let's keep each other posted!

The Parkin Family said...

I did the P90X thing for about a week! Then I just burned out! It's harder then crap but the instructor makes it entertaining! Good Luck!!!

Jennie said...

i haven't ever heard of this. hopefully it will be awesome for you.

Rachel said...

Debbie, We were laughing so hard at the instructor... he is SO cheesy. Reminded us of Ben Stiller doing a Saturday Night Live skit. But it is a killer workout. My shoulders are SO sore today!!!

kellz said...

How's the workout program coming along? I just started it today. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I can't stand that there's no good music. That's what gets me moving...I won't quit yet.