Monday, November 17, 2008

8 Things Tag

I don't have a lot I want to write about lately, so I saw this fun tag on another person's blog and just to let you all know I am still alive, here it is...

8 Movies I like to watch
  1. PS I Love You
  2. Juno
  3. Phantom of the Opera
  4. The Electric Horseman
  5. Walk the Line
  6. The Notebook
  7. The Saint
  8. The Italian Job
8 Things that happened yesterday
  1. Made cookies with the kids. We ate a lot of dough.
  2. Started a new book... The Hungar Games
  3. Took a nap (thank you kids)
  4. Finally finished folding the laundry
  5. Furnace broke in the morning and it was 61' in our house - it's fixed now.
  6. Made dinner
  7. Everyone bathed/showered - major accomplishment in our house!
  8. Planned out my week.
8 Favorite places to eat
  1. Red Rock
  2. The Pub
  3. Cafe Rio
  4. Paradise Bakery
  5. Thai Siam
  6. Macaroni Grill
  7. Cheesecake Factory
  8. Market Street
8 Things I am looking forward to
  1. Spending the holidays with my kids.
  2. Selling my house - not too optimistic about this one though.
  3. Twilight movie comes out this Friday.
  4. My 2 little nephews arriving in Spring '09.
  5. Getting together for dinner with my childhood best freind this weekend.
  6. Only have to work 2.5 days next week.
  7. My mom's house being finished - love her, but having her live with us is hard.
  8. Putting this year behind me and starting fresh in 2009.
8 Things on my wish list
  1. Wish I was out of debt!
  2. Wish I had more patience.
  3. Wish Scott could find a job.
  4. Wish I had enough money for my kid's Christmas.
  5. Wish my house would sell (and for the asking price).
  6. Wish I wasn't so hard on myself. Why are we our own worst critics?
  7. Wish I had more motivation to list all the things I have to sell on eBay.
  8. Wish I was home in my warm bed and not at work right now.


Kellie said...

good post :) i wish i was at home in bed too...or eating cookie dough :)

Nick said...

Hey did your furnance break again after we worked on it Saturday?

Rachel said...

Yes, it broke again - stupid thing. So far so good today though, so we'll see.