Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Celebrating 2 years of marriage to my wonderful husband today.  He is seriously one of the BEST things that ever happened to me.  I am So thankful we are sharing this crazy life together.  He's my rock.  SO many things have happened over the last 2 years and SO many more to come... it makes all the difference to have him loving and supporting me through it all.  I am a lucky girl.  Seriously lucky.

I'm dropping off this little beauty to his work today at lunch for a surprise... it was so fun to put together and SO freaking easy.  I love giving gifts that are personalized.  These are all his favorites - oh, fine they are a few of mine too.  Like he can eat all that anyway...

Tonight we are eating at our traditional anniversary restaurant in SLC... Cannella's (this is where we ate the day we got married and also last year when I was freaking ready to pop with Ryder). 

Then going to a late movie.  This weekend is supposed to be warm, so lots of yard work tomorrow - and I love being outside doing yard work, it's VERY satisfying and a HUGE stress relief.  And Ryder turns ONE on Sunday so we're taking him to the zoo.  Can't wait to get this weekend started....

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